CrossFit Lifting Percentages


Many training programs (including our current one) sometimes use or even heavily rely on percentages in the strength and weightlifting segments.

These percentages are based on your max load (weight on the barbell) on a successful 1 rep lift. When we use percentages we highly encourage everyone to follow them strictly when you have established baseline lifting numbers.

If you are new to this style of training, overtime you will start to enter in lifting numbers into your Wodify Athlete app which automatically calculates your percentages based on the Brzycki Forumula. You don’t need to just enter 1RM’s into Wodify Athlete. Enter in all rep schemes and loads lifted. 

Based on all the data entered it will re-calculate your current percentages on an estimated 1RM.

For example-

Wodify Athlete App – Showing Back Squat Percentages

This athlete has never Back Squatted 160kg but based on all the back squat sessions over the last 2 years, all the percentages are currently based on 160kg Back Squat with the heaviest lift being 2 x 155kg. So even if you’re doing other rep ranges – the formula will estimate your 1RM (even without hitting that 1RM – yet!).

Why do we use them?

Pushing for max reps and loads during every single session isn’t the smartest or most efficient way to get stronger in the long term. Reps and percentages used in our strength sessions will slowly increase every week. This will make you stronger in the long term and prevent plateaus.

Don’t go heavy just because you can or to get more reps in. This is only feeding your ego.

CrossFit Training and Lifting Percentages

The CrossFit methodology is based on the principles of mechanics, consistency and intensity and the order is very specific.

The approx. percentages in the strength portion of a training program is designed to get a specific response. If you go very light on heavy sessions, you might have sound mechanics and consistency but lose the intensity that a heavier load provides. 

Also if you go too heavy on lighter sessions (which tend to have higher rep counts) this often leads to your consistency and mechanics breaking down and again affecting your intensity.

The right intensity brings the right results. 

Follow the lifting percentages, trust your coaches (Chris & Theo), you’re in good hands.

U3 / 1 Seaforth Avenue, Broadbeach Waters 4218, Gold Coast

Broadbeach Waters

3/1 Seaforth Avenue, Broadbeach Waters QLD, Australia

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